(7)“深时数字地球”国际大科学计划,Deep-time Digital Earth(DDE),参与
(1)Xu, L., Du, Z., Mao, R., Zhang, F., & Liu, R. (2020). GSAM: A deep neural network model for extracting computational representations of Chinese addresses fused with geospatial feature.Computers, environment and urban systems, 81, 101473.(中科院一区Top)
(2)Xu, L., Zeng, S., Jiang, Z., Sun, Z., Li, H., &Xu, L*. (2023). From peaks to people: The association between physical topography and generalized trust in China.Journal of Environmental Psychology, 91, 102136.(中科院一区)
(3)Xu, L., Lu, C., Zhou, T., Wu, J., & Feng, H. (2024). A 3D-2DCNN-CA approach for enhanced classification of hickory tree species using UAV-based hyperspectral imaging.Microchemical Journal, 199, 109981.(中科院二区Top)
(4)Zhang, C., Zhang, Y., Zhang, J., Yao, J., Liu, H., He, T., ... &Xu, L*.(2023). A Deep Transfer Learning Toponym Extraction and Geospatial Clustering Framework for Investigating Scenic Spots as Cognitive Regions.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 12(5), 196.
(5)Xu, L.,Wang, J., Xu, D., & Xu, L. (2022). Integrating individual factors to construct recognition models of consumer fraud victimization.International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(1), 461.
(6)Xia, F., Zhu, Y., Hu, B., Chen, X., Li, H., Shi, K., &Xu, L*. (2021). Pollution characteristics, spatial patterns, and sources of toxic elements in soils from a typical industrial city of Eastern China.Land, 10(11), 1126.
(7)Xu, L., Luo, Y., Wen, X., Sun, Z., Chao, C., Xia, T., &Xu, L*. (2022). Human personality is associated with geographical environment in mainland China.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17), 10819.
(8)Xu, L., Mao, R., Zhang, C., Wang, Y., Zheng, X., Xue, X., & Xia, F. (2022). Deep Transfer Learning Model for Semantic Address Matching.Applied Sciences, 12(19), 10110.
(9)Zhang, C.,Xu, L., Yan, Z., & Wu, S. (2021). A glove-based poi type embedding model for extracting and identifying urban functional regions.ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 10(6), 372.
(10)Xue, X., He, T.,Xu, L., Tong, C., Ye, Y., Liu, H., ... & Zheng, X. (2022). Quantifying the spatial pattern of urban heat islands and the associated cooling effect of blue–green landscapes using multisource remote sensing data.Science of the Total Environment, 843, 156829.