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 发布时间:2019年12月09日 16:02 阅读量:

刘同存,男,2019年毕业于北京邮电大学,计算机科学与技术专业,获工学博士学位。从事人工智能基础理论研究,及其在多领域行业中的应用。主持浙江省自然科学基金、诸侯快讯网站官网科学发展基金项目,以及多个企业委托研发项目。以第一作者和通讯作者身份在国际顶级期刊和会议发表论文20余篇,包括IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems、Knowledge-based System、Environmental Science & Technology、Briefings in Bioinformatics、World Wide Web、Neurocomputing、Multimedia Tools and Applications、电子学报、通信学报、中文信息学报等国内外顶级期刊,以及AAAI、ICMR、IJCNN等CCF A类和B类会议。申请发明专利20余项,其中获授权发明专利10余项。担任IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics、IEEE Access、The Journal of Supercomputing、Neural Computing and Applications、计算机学报、电子学报等期刊审稿人,CCF大数据、人工智能与模式识别专委委员。


  1. Zhicheng Liu,Yulong Wang,Tongcun Liu*, Lei Zhang, Wei Li, Jianxin Liao, Ding He. Semantic-enhanced Contrastive Learning for Session-based Recommendation.Knowledge-based System2023. (一区Top期刊,IF=8.8)

  2. Wenzhao Liang,Tongcun Liu, Yuntao Wang, Jiu Jimmy Jiao, Jianping Gan, Ding He*. Spatiotemporal-aware machine learning approaches for dissolved oxygen prediction in coastal waters.Science of The Total Environment2023. (一区Top期刊,IF=9.8)

  3. Yuanbi Yi,Tongcun Liu*, Julian Merder,Chen He, Hongyan Bao, Penghui Li, Si-Liang Li,Quan Shi, Ding He*. Unraveling the Linkages between Molecular Abundance and Stable Carbon Isotope Ratio in Dissolved Organic Matter using Machine Learning.Environmental Science & Technology2023 (一区Top期刊,IF=11.357)

  4. Hailin Feng, Dongdong Jin, Jian Li, Yaner Li, Quan Zou,Tongcun Liu*. Matrix reconstruction with reliable neighbors for predicting potential MiRNA–disease associations.Briefings in Bioinformatics2023 (Top期刊,IF=13.994)

  5. Tongcun Liu*, Siyuan Lou, Jianxin Liao, Hailin Feng*. Dynamic and Static Representation Learning Network for Recommendation.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems2022. (一区Top期刊,IF=14.255)

  6. Heng Hu,Tongcun Liu, Hailinn Feng*. Fast–slow visual network for action recognition in videos.Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2022.(SCI,CCF C类)

  7. 冯海林,张潇,刘同存*.融合评论文本特征和评分图卷积表示的推荐模型.通信学报,2022,43(3): 164-171.(EI,一级学报)

  8. 王子,王玉龙,刘同存,李炜,廖建新.基于Rule-BertAtten的中文小说对话人物识别方法.中文信息学报,2022,36(3): 82-90

  9. Liao Jianxin,Liu Tongcun*, Yin Hongzhi, Chen Tong, Wang Jingyu, Wang Yulong. An integrated model based on deep multimodal and rank learning for point-of-interest recommendation,World Wide Web, 2021, 24:631–655.(SCI, CCF B)

  10. Liu Tongcun*; Liu Haoxin; Wang Yulong; Exploiting local spatio-temporal characteristics for effective video understanding.Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2021, 80:31821-31836. (SCI,CCF C类)

  11. Liu Tongcun, Liao Jianxin*, Wu Zhigen, Wang Yulong, Wang Jingyu*. Exploiting Geographical-Temporal Awareness Attention for Next Point-of-Interest Recommendation.Neurocomputing, 2020, 400:227-239.(SCI,中科院2区)

  12. Liu Tongcun*, Liao Jianxin, Wang Yulong, Wang Jingyu, Qiqi. Collaborative tensor–topic factorization model for personalized activity recommendation.Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2019,78(12): 16923–16943. (SCI,CCF C类)

  13. 任开旭, 王玉龙,刘同存*,李炜.融合多维语义表示的概率矩阵分解模型.电子学报, 2019, 47(9): 1848-1854. (EI,一级学报)

  14. Liao Jianxin,Liu Tongcun*, Liu Meilian, Wang Jingyu, Wang Yulong, Sun Haifeng. Multi-Context Integrated Deep Neural Network Model for Next Location Prediction.IEEE Access, 2018, 6: 21980–21990. (SCI)


  1. Gao Lei, Wang Yulong*,Liu Tongcun*, Wang Jingyu, Zhang Lei, Liao Jianxin. Question-Dirven Span Labeling model for Aspect-Opinion pair Extraction,AAAI’2021, online, 2021,12875-12883.(CCF A)

  2. Lou Siyuan, Wang Yulong,Liu Tongcun*, Liao Jianxin. UMDSF:Unified Model With Dynamic-Static Features for Personalized Recommendation,IJCNN’2021,online,2021,1-8. (CCF C)

  3. Liu Tongcun, Liao Jianxin*, Wu Zhigen, Wang Yulong, Wang Jingyu*. A Geographical-Temporal Awareness Hierarchical Attention Network for Next Point-of-Interest Recommendation,ICMR’2019, Ottawa, Canada: ACM, 2019, 7-15. (CCF B)



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